Barrie brought the dance moves to chicago
OH MY GOSH, I don’t even know where to begin with this show. Every single thing about it was perfect and joyful and happy and cute and fun and musically SOLID. But ok. So I have been listening to Barrie for a little bit and had no idea what to expect from her live show. And I will start off by saying it was not AT ALL what I expected, in the best way possible.
Photo by Avery Zorn (from my iPhone lol)
The opener was local Chicago band, Girl K. The 4-piece band got their start after some open mic nights in Chicago and have been playing together for a few years now. Front woman Kathy Patino was rocking checkered bike shorts under a classic white button up with blue tie. The space buns and bright white eyeshadow created a full-blown look. Girl K played for about a half hour, treating the crowd to constant upbeat, indie-rock jams.
Between sets I watched as a few people walked back and forth through the crowd to do mic checks, wave their arms around on stage a little bit, and just generally make sure everything was in place. What I did not know was that these people were Barrie and her band. There is no green room at Schubas, so when it was time for the show to start, 4 brightly-dressed people in coordinating suits or dresses strutted through the audience to the stage, took their places, and immediately started dancing. Wait… what? When was the last time I went to a show with full choreographed routines? I’m honestly not sure I could tell you — maybe Reputation Tour in 2018?? Either way, I was in awe.
(It was at this point I was so sad that I hadn’t brought my camera along. Last time I shot at this venue it was difficult, so I just came for the review this time around … BIG mistake. But I’ve moved on I guess.)
I had been listening to Barrie’s new album and older music non-stop over the last few days in preparation. I had a preconceived notion that since the music was a little bit more mellow, dramatic, etc., that the performance would be the same. And I was happy to be proven wrong. The constant dancing and just general upbeat mood was so powerful and such a fun vibe for an intimate venue like this one! At one point Barrie stopped to mention “why” they were dressed like this and dancing around. She mentioned that as the world has started to figure out how to function around COVID, she wanted to make sure her tour Brough as much joy as possible. And that’s exactly what it did.
Let’s go back to these outfits for a second. They were brilliant. Barrie and her bandmates were each in a different monochromatic suit or dress with different cuts and colors. Barrie in a lovely orange, Gabby in powder blue, Jordyn in lime green, and Alex in hot pink.
Ok and last, but honestly most important, the musicality of it all. Having been to a lot of shows in smaller venues, I am aware that sometimes sound quality can be iffy. Not the case here. The vocals were all mixed PERFECTLY to hear each part of the harmonies blended with Barrie’s melody. And the tracks and keys weren’t overwhelming, they were just there. It was seriously so amazing. I will be watching these videos for a longgg time to come because they give me goosebumps. Barrie + Gabby + Jordyn have such amazing vocal chemistry that I haven't heard in such a long time.
All this goes to say, of all the shows I’ve been to this year, I would DEFINITELY recommend catching a stop on her next tour (or as a supporting act for Japanese Breakfast in the UK later this year!
If you can’t catch a tour date, stream Barrie’s new album! And please enjoy this lo-fi photo taken with my iPhone since I didn’t pack a camera.
Also from my iPhone, but this time it’s a screenshot from a video … even better!